
Jennifer Helia DeFelice

* 1972 New York

Odborná asistentka AP - performerka, multimediální umělkyně, kurátorka a hudebnice
narodila se a studovala v New Yorku, kde získala titul BA na New York college
od roku 1993 žije v Brně, kde spolupracuje se skupinou "Sledě, živé sledě"
absolvovala AP FaVU v roce 2004 s  prací "Miven cin" a web-projektem "Para-site",
prezentuje se samostatně i kolektivně, doma i v zahraničí,
např. ve Francii, Německu, Rakousku, Italii, USA
pracovala v Media-archivu FaVU a spoluorganizovala výstavy Hi-tech/umění

studium / education:
1993 - 1995 hostování z New York College ve VMP: Tomáš Ruller
1999 - 2004 magisterské studium performance: Tomáš Ruller

e-mail: j.defelice@centrum.cz
web: http://performance.ffa.vutbr.cz/STUDENTI/037_jennifer.htm

vybrané práce / selected works:
reprodukce / images:

Puška, trumpeta, rýč - partitura pro klacek / Gun, Trumpet, Spade – Score for Stick


Démonův nový den / Renesance černých tabulí / Demon's New Day / Renaissance of Blackboards


Toto není performance. / This is not a performance.


Kouř bez ohně / Smoke without Fire


Mít svuj dort / Have Your Cake


Bez masek / Without masks


Vejce / Eggs


Zapomenuté / Forgotten

Sledě, živé sledě / Herring, Live Herring (& Ivanem Palacký & Broňa Šmíd) 1997-2002

Tílko (& Ivan Palacký) 2002

Impish Whelp, 2006

This way / Tudy, Falkenstein, Rakousko, 2007

Take a Load Off, 2011

akce reduta

Take a Load Off.
On April 17th I moved picnic tables from a local pub into Reduta Theater, one of Brno's oldest dating from the Renaissance which had been renovated to include modern architectural elements. I prepared a buffet for the opening of our studio's exhibition of performance art at the theater consisting of food and drinks bought at a Levny Potraviny (Cheap Food) shop. All of the items were beyond their Best Before date. Among the items were pretzel sticks, mozzarella cheese, cookies, pear juice and a camembert type cheese with green peppercorns. I also cooked 5kg of wheat kernel which was offered to the audience. I
brought a bottle of organic ketchup, and rice syrup as well as three jars of pickled organic vegetables from last year that were leftover in my vegetable shop. These were the only items left on the tables at the end of the opening. I brought the leftover wheat kernel to a cafe where it was put on the daily menu as risotto the following day. On April 13th, I arranged to have our weekly studio meeting at the theater. I took all the leftover food and drinks I had in my cupboards, pantry and refrigerator including a marcipan Carp leftover from Christmas which I intended to use as a decoration for a cake I was going to bake but never found the time to.